
1st Club Newsletter from 1949 - historical value

2017/18 Committee and AGM dates

Small Bore Summer 2018 Submission dates

EBSC Range Safety

Please find attached the latest version of the Club Certificate & Training Scheme, which has been produced by our Club Secretary Robin Elliott, with input from committee members over the past few years. It's primary target audience is Probationary Members, but Full Members should also familiarise themselves with it and anyone else who visits the club as well. In addition it will be posted on the website and clubhouse notice board for future reference and hand out copies available at the clubhouse. Therefore please take the time now to familiarise yourself with it. We have intentions to change the "yellow card" scheme soon, to better allow for the recording of the Probationary Training requirement. It also obviously needs to be available to Probationary Members at least at the time of paying their Joining Fee. I will also provide it to them by eMail. Whilst this document has been around for sometime, it hasn't been as widely available as we would have liked, and it does periodically need revising, so please let Robin or I know of any changes you would like to see in future revisions, or if you feel it contains errors, omissions or inaccuracies.

Ian Hunt, Committee Chairman

Your help required

An e-petition for the government to reclassify .22 calibre pistols as Section 1 firearms on-line at